Covid-19 Virtual Premises Assessment

How it works

The virtual assessment is carried out using Microsoft Teams or a Zoom meeting which can be recorded for playback later.  Using the camera on your mobile phone you would walk me through the premises so I have a view from my remote location.  I will give comments, advice and recommendations as we go through each area.

The virtual assessment will determine the adequacy of social distancing and hygiene measures you already have in place and you will be given practical advice and recommendations for improvement such as where to put signage, if any screens are required, control of people so they can achieve social distancing, hand washing, sanitising and surface cleaning, information, instructions and training requirements for staff.

For the virtual assessment to work, you would need WiFi coverage throughout the premises and a mobile phone with camera and Zoom app installed.  Allow 30 minutes for the virtual assessment at a date and time suitable for us both.

Are you doing enough at your work premises to prevent the spread of covid-19?  This virtual assessment will help you.

At only £85 inc VAT, the Covid-19 Virtual Assessment will ensure you have the right control measures in place to stop the spread of the virus.  Click on the payment link below to get started.

Our PPE Stores has a wide range of Social Distancing Signs, Screens and Floor Mats as well as a range of products to protect against coronavirus